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Amiensus ‎- Restoration CD

Musically, Restoration is pretty fantastic, with some brilliant lead guitar work and a drumming performance that mixes restrained grandeur with occasional passages of blistering blast-work, erring more on the side of evocative creativity than chaotic extremity. Subtle keyboards add well-composed atmosphere and complex shades, while the elaborate guitar work expresses everything from crushing, mid-paced doom, to propulsive blackened ferocity, to poignant acoustic melancholy.

Where it really shines, though, is in the vocals, whose brilliant clarity and stark, emotional honesty help make the record truly stand out from the crowd. The interweaving of different styles and approaches is incredibly ambitious, but hits the mark more often than not, and allows the group to express a wealth of deeper emotions, in all their joy and sorrow, grief and rage, agony and ecstasy and loss.

Intelligently composed, and emotionally exposed, Restoration is, above all else, a rewarding musical journey. It’s an album of fire and ice, of frozen beauty and burning passion, with a truly distinctive voice all its own. - No Clean Singing

Pressing Information

Beverina 2019. Digipack Sealed.