Berserk - From The Celtiberian Woods CD
Berserk are a band from Spain that plays atmospheric Celtic/Pagan Black Metal and this is a review of their 2001 album "From The Celtiberian Woods" which was released by Oak Shield.
Drums range from slow, mid paced to fast drumming with a good amount of blast beats and a small use of percussion being used on one song that brings a shamanistic feel to the music, while the synths bring a very atmospheric, epic and medieval sound to the music without being overdone, as for the bass playing it has a very dark tone with riffs that follow the riffing that is coming out of the guitars and at times they sound very powerful.
Rhythm guitars range from slow, mid paced to fast raw pagan/black metal riffs that are melodic at times with some slow occasional soft playing, while the lead guitars when they are utilized which is rare are very primal sounding black metal guitar leads with not much in the way of solos, as for the acoustic guitars when they are utilized to bring a very dark Celtic music feel to the music.
Vocals are mostly grim black metal screams with some occasional clean singing, deep growls and spoken word passages, while the lyrics cover Celtic Paganism and Anti-Christianity, as for the production it has a very dark, raw and primitive feel to the music. - Occult Black Metal Zine
Pressing Information
Oaken Shield. 3700132610210