Monads - IVIIV CD
Monads are a band from Belgium that plays funeral doom metal and this is a review of their 2017 album "IVIIV" which was released by Aesthetic Death.
Acoustic guitars start off the album while all of the musical instruments have a very powerful sound to them and once the music gets heavy death metal growls and screams are introduced onto the recording as well as the screams also bringing in a touch of black metal and all of the tracks are very long and epic in length.
When the music speeds up a small amount of blast beats can also be heard while melodies can also be heard in some of the guitar riffing and when guitar solos and leads are brought into the music they are done in a very melodic fashion along with acoustic guitars also returning on some of the later tracks.
As the album progresses a brief use of psychedelic elements can be heard before returning back to a heavier direction while all of the musical instruments have a very powerful sound to them along tragic sounding keyboards being heard briefly on the closing track as well as closing the album.
Monads plays a style of funeral doom metal that is very slow, dark, melodic and heavy sounding while also having its fast and brutal moments, the production sounds very professional while the lyrics cover philosophical themes.
In my opinion Monads are a very great sounding funeral doom metal band and if you are a fan of this musical genre, you should check out this album. - Hatred Means War Zine
Pressing Information
Aesthetic Death. Digipack. Sealed.