Aevangelist - Nightmarecatcher CD
Ævangelist are a duo with members from France and Finland that has had an album reviewed before in this zine and on this recording plays a psychedelic mixture of black and death metal and this is a review of their 2020 album "Nightmarecatcher" which will be released on February 28th by Hells Headbangers.
Melodic guitar leads start off the album along with some clean playing in the background while all of the tracks are very long and epic in length. Stringed instruments can also be heard briefly while spoken word parts can also be heard briefly as well as the vocals also adding in a decent amount of grim sounding screams.
At times the music also gets very experimental and avant garde sounding along with all of the musical instruments also having a very powerful sound to them. Elements of death metal are also utilized quite a bit throughout the recording as well as one track also introducing blast beats onto the recording,.
At times the music also captures an improv atmosphere as well as the music also having its psychedelic moments, melodies can also be heard in some of the guitar riffing, clean vocals can also be heard in the background briefly and most of the music sticks to either a slow or mid tempo direction. The production sounds very dark and raw while the lyrics cover nightmares and occultism themes.
In my opinion this is another great sounding recording from Ævangelist and if you are a f an of psychedelic black and death metal, you should check out this album. - Occult Metal Zine
Pressing Information
Hells Headbangers.