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Paysage D'Hiver ‎- Kerker LP

Review Summary: An unearthly dream come true for those looking for something with the unrelenting presence of a night terror.

There are 4 parts to this album, but you're much better off thinking of it as one song divvied up into movements to avoid confusion. A movie doesn't make sense if you only watch the 3rd quarter of it, and due to the conceptual nature of this you kind of have to look at it the same way to get the full effect. Using sub-par recording quality to create atmosphere is really nothing new in the genre of black metal, but this album is still totally worthy of mentioning just because of how effectively Wintherr utilizes it here. Its very rare for a piece of music to be able to build up such a profound feeling of dread over the course of 30 minutes; any music capable of triggering such an emotional reaction, especially when you consider the puzzle-pieces used, is worthy of a listen. So get yourself in a comfortable place and blast this through your headphones before you drift to sleep. You won't regret it.- Sputnik

Pressing Information

Kunsthall Produktionen. Reissue.